Shocks & Oxidizers
Pools & spas are extremely vulnerable to illness causing bacteria, irritating chloramines and other contaminants introduced into the water by bathers and environmental factors. ProShock, with 65% available chlorine, is designed to dissolve quickly and provide a ready source of available chlorine in swimming pools. When used according to directions, ProShock kills bacteria, controls algae, and destroys organic contaminants. Always adjust pH between 7.2 and 7.6 prior to using Cal-Shock. Additional shocking to keep water clean and clear is needed after rain and heavy winds, high number of swimmers, increased water temperature, and/or increased frequency of pool usage.
For Algae control in pools, spas, decorative ponds and water features. Kills and prevents green, yellow and black algae.
Algae, while not harmful to bathers, does not belong in a properly operated swimming pool. If allowed to grow freely, the pool quickly becomes unusable. Algae can make your pool water cloudy, clog filters, create objectionable odors, increase sanitizer demand and reduce effectiveness of other pool chemicals. Using a good algaecide as part of regular pool maintenance is the best way to control these microscopic plants.
Importance of Sanitization Pools are vulnerable to illness causing bacteria or other contaminants introduced into the water by bathers and environmental factors. Chlorine based sanitizers are strong, effective disinfectants. They kill harmful bacteria, aid in algae control and help keep the pool clean and clear. These sanitizers also leave a beneficial chlorine residual in the water that continuously destroys new bacteria entering the pool, protecting swimmers from potentially harmful contaminants. Sanitization is a critical part of any pool care program.

CHLORINE STABILIZER–Cyanuric Acid Protects chlorine from the degrading effects of sunlight (UV).
pH PLUS – Sodium Carbonate Low pH (below 7.0) can cause surface corrosion and plaster etching.
pH MINUS – Sodium Bisulfate High pH (above 7.8) causes scaling, calcium deposition and cloudy water.
CALCIUM HARDNESS INCREASER – Calcium Chloride Low water hardness could stain or etch the pool surface and corrode equipment.
ALKALINITY INCREASER – Sodium Bicarbonate Low total alkalinity may result in corrosion and pH bounce. CHLORINE NEUTRALIZER – Sodium Thiosulfate High levels of chlorine (> 3 ppm) can make the pool unsafe for swimmers.
water balancers
specialty chemicals
Super Clarifier is an unusually high viscosity, high molecular weight, super concentrated cationic polymer exhibiting aggressive flocculating ability in clearing cloudy water in pools and spas
Super Floc Out is composed of a high cationic coagulant solution exhibiting a high flocculating ability in clearing up debris in pools and spas.
Metal Out is an aqueous solution of hydroxyethylidene-diphosphonic acid (HEDP) that is best used for metallic stain removal and prevention of hard water scaling.
Stain, Rust and Scale Control is best used for prevention of metallic stains and hard water scaling.
Phosphate Remover- Our new phosphate removal method provides the most efficient way available to remove or lower phosphate levels