Pool Service Prices Will Increase in 2021. Here's Why.
November 2, 2020 by Orenda Technologies
Swimming pool service companies have traditionally ignored and absorbed gradual price increases, because nobody likes raising prices on customers for the same services rendered. Due to COVID-19 and other unforeseen circumstances, that is no longer possible in 2021. We are writing this article to inform homeowners about what has happened to our industry and how you can prepare for the increased costs of maintaining your swimming pool.
Covered in this article:
Coronavirus and its impact on the swimming pool industry
Normal price inflation
Skyrocketing demand
Trichlor plant burned down
Imports from overseas
Chlorine alternatives
Secondary disinfection/oxidation systems
Specialty chemicals
Facts About Crypto and Swimming Pools
What is Crypto and how can it affect me?
“Crypto” (krip-TOE), short for Cryptosporidium, is a germ that causes diarrhea. This germ is found in the fecal matter of a person who has been infected by Crypto. It has a tough outer shell that allows it to survive for a long time in the environment. It can survive for days even in properly chlorinated pools. Crypto is one of the most common causes of recreational water illness (disease caused by germs spread through pool water) in the United States and can cause prolonged diarrhea (for 1–2 weeks). It can make anyone sick, but certain groups of people are more likely to become seriously ill when infected with Crypto: • Young children Pregnant women Individuals with weakened immune systems